
Member since ‎Feb 25, 2020
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Kyle Craft

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kcraft on June 14, 2023
It seems like there's no efficient way to return all emails attached to a contact while using the hubspot search api. This is often vital information that renders the search api useless when that data is needed.
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MMartini on March 31, 2023
Hello, thank you very much for the opportunity to test beta AI features. The issue I have is that I do not see the Content Assistant on my Hubspot at all. WHat should I do? Thanks a lot.
17 Replies
April 07, 2023
Same here!
kcraft on March 16, 2023
The new whatsapp, linkedin, and SMS communications are a good addition, however I'm not seeing an option to add an "owner" of the communication. These owners are important for us in measuring activity levels for our reps with emails, phone calls, ta read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
kcraft on March 01, 2023
While the discount code functionality is great, the issue I have with it is when you create deals automatically using the out of the box functionality, the amount field is populated with the subtotal pre-discount code being applied. This creates the read more
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kcraft on February 21, 2023
It would be great to have the ability to integrate google tag manager on hubspot payments pages. Currently we don't have an easy way to pass conversion information to ad networks.
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sandhiyadoss on May 31, 2022
Hi, I created a contact and merge that contact in Hubspot. When I tried to get contact module data by using API, I am getting two contacts with different ' vid ', but the same ' canonical-vid' . But getting two records of the contact in Hubspot AP read more
August 23, 2022
I've had the same issue, when trying to pull all contacts I get some duplicates, and you can't just filter out any that have mismatched vid and more
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