
Member since ‎Feb 21, 2020
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WBHydrosense on March 30, 2022
Hello, Was hoping someone could lend a hand - I am looking to fetch a list of all NOTE engagement IDs of a specified company ID. I have this working to retrieve emails but just struggling to get notes. Currently, I am using a combinat read more
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2 Replies
April 01, 2022
Absolute Genius! Thank you very much Dennis! Decided to take a slightly different approach in the end I used the below call to loop through more
WBHydrosense on March 30, 2022
Hello, Was hoping someone could lend a hand - I am looking to fetch a list of all NOTE engagement IDs of a specified company ID. I have this working to retrieve emails but just struggling to get notes. Currently, I am using a combinat read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
April 01, 2022
Absolute Genius! Thank you very much Dennis! Decided to take a slightly different approach in the end I used the below call to loop through more
Rivet-Works-B on February 07, 2018
Our app is available in multiple app stores that we would like to direct people towards on a form. To accomplish this, we want to add rich text to a hidden dependent field that would guide the end user to a outside link based on a drop down field. read more
45 Replies
February 10, 2022
mrizzo on July 24, 2018
According to the support team, the Influenced Revenue in Campaign Analtyics is " an imperfect metric at the moment because we include all deals associated with these contacts." This means that " any deal that is associated with any in read more
November 17, 2020
Hello mrizzo, Thank you very much for starting this thread, it is exactly what I was looking for! One additional point i'd like to make is more
Benchmark_achen on July 25, 2019
Hi, I was able to use the Hubspot API post/create new contacts in Hubspot using data from our database. Now, I want to GET these contacts data back along with their associated contact vid. I used the following API and it doesn't seem to work: read more
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3 Replies
October 15, 2020
Hi All, Appologies if I am commenting in the wrong section but the parapiter for the maximum contact records you can get using this API is 100, more
WBHydrosense on April 17, 2020
I'd very much like to know if there is currently a feature or a workaround to update a date/time field with static time and date another property is changed. There are currently default time stamp properties that tell you when a lifecycle stage read more
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