
Member since ‎Feb 18, 2020
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Craig Revie

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lrodriguez on February 06, 2019
It would be very useful if HubSpot automatically assigns the Deal's currency to the Custom Deal Property formatted as currency or if at least it gives the option to select the currency you want to use on the custom property, as of right now the amou read more
68 Replies
March 17, 2021
This idea has been around for some time and an update would be appreciated. This continues to cause problems and needs a solution IMO.
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the Deals Dashboard. Default is... - Deal Name - Amount - Close Date - Attached Contacts I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-gla read more
448 Replies
March 17, 2021
Thank you @ybaptiste for this update. I have completed the form and look forward to seeing the private beta
lrodriguez on February 06, 2019
It would be very useful if HubSpot automatically assigns the Deal's currency to the Custom Deal Property formatted as currency or if at least it gives the option to select the currency you want to use on the custom property, as of right now the amou read more
68 Replies
March 17, 2021
This idea has been around for some time and an update would be appreciated. This continues to cause problems and needs a solution IMO.
jeremypyles on October 17, 2017
Any Hubspot CRM (Sales) user can see all dashboards! YIKES. It is scary to me that any CRM user can view anyone else's dashboard in Hubspot Sales. This has huge privacy issues with lower-level users being able to see my Dashboard and all sales read more
49 Replies
April 06, 2020
I agree with many of the comments within this post. Whilst user permissions can be set to control whether they can view or edit dashboards, it more
AndyPitre on April 04, 2017
I'd like to be able to control which properties appear on the "card view" in the Deals Dashboard. Default is... - Deal Name - Amount - Close Date - Attached Contacts I'd like to be able to select my own 4 attributes, so that the at-a-gla read more
448 Replies
March 17, 2021
Thank you @ybaptiste for this update. I have completed the form and look forward to seeing the private beta
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