
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jun 29, 2017
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Ian Guiver

MD of inbound marketing agency, Axon Garside. Working with tech, industrial and professional service firms to generate more leads, close more opportunities and create more advocates for their business


breichenbach on January 24, 2019
Currently, when connecting the Google Search Console (GSC) integration with SEO tools inside of HubSpot, it doesn't give you the option to select which GSC properties you'd like to integrate with HubSpot. While SEO Tools will only pull in search dat read more
23 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
February 26, 2019
Completely agree! Hopefully this gets implemented soon.
Hannah1 on October 24, 2018
For Canonical URLs on blog listing pages, Hubspot has two options: -Set each blog listing page's canonical UR to the first page in its series -Don't add canonical URLs to any blog listing pages (Recommended) Does anyone know why the second op read more
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9 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 12, 2018
HubSpot warns that you could run into a scenario whereby adding canonical tags pointing back to the main blog list page, Google could read more
LROADY on October 30, 2018
Looking for best practices from my peers: what do you do with old landing pages when they need to be retired? Specifically, we create landing pages with registration forms for tradeshow meetings. Those old landing pages are still out there on the read more
7 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
October 31, 2018
Hi @LROADY , Yes I agree, your best option would be to unpublish and set up a 301 redirect. Here's a link on how to do that: more
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