
Miembro desde ‎feb 11, 2020
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John Miniadis

⚡️Growth Engineer ~ full stack dev ~ build fast, fix later ~ #Data Junkie ~ #Analytics Obsessed. Head of #Growth @ucreate_


PaulDerstine en Abril 25, 2017
I recently needed to update EVERY form individually to restrict certain email domains on each submission form.  It would have been a HUGE time saver if HubSpot had a global setting to allow me to simultaneously set these restrictions on all Leer más
319 Me gusta
105 Respuestas
May 05, 2020
@drbipes Thats what I'm doing as well, but I think what we're all after is a global impression list so we don't have to manually add it to every w...Leer más
BiG en Julio 26, 2019
I want to ask HubSpot to support if statements in email templates as soon as possible. It would be a really big help in providing customized content to our potential customers in our emails. We currently support 7 languages. Currently, all Leer más
134 Me gusta
42 Respuestas
Abril 17, 2020
Completely agree, conditional logic support in emails would be a huge time saver!
etiennemtl en Noviembre 07, 2017
Hello, I am not sure what I did but now I see 3 Hubspot Developer accounts under my account. Could you please remove all the Hubspot developer account under my main account? Hubspot IDs : 4035318, 4035339 Thank You
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101 Respuestas
Abril 02, 2020
Thanks a ton, Jenny. Is this the preferred way of deleting developer portals?
etiennemtl en Noviembre 07, 2017
Hello, I am not sure what I did but now I see 3 Hubspot Developer accounts under my account. Could you please remove all the Hubspot developer account under my main account? Hubspot IDs : 4035318, 4035339 Thank You
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101 Respuestas
Abril 02, 2020
Thanks a ton, Jenny. Is this the preferred way of deleting developer portals?
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