
Member since ‎Feb 8, 2020
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David Cole

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Lee_Brewster on May 16, 2024
Our team is highly reliant on app functionality and we have created custom objects as part of our workflow. Right now, when you search in the app, it does not search the custom object. For example, I have an object that tracks airplanes. The read more
November 15, 2021
The title says it all. Custom objects are great, but it's hard to find what you're looking for while in the field on mobile. It seems fairly more
David-cole on June 16, 2021
Task que's are great, but it would be nice to be able to sort out all tasks that currently are NOT assigned to a que so they can be dealt with directly - then go to that specific que for the remaining tasks.
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rickm on July 17, 2017
We frequently need to get in touch with the primary contact at one of our customers. In HubSpot, there is no way to identify who this is among the many contacts we have in HS for that organization. Even HubSpot recognizes the importance of thi read more
167 Replies
February 26, 2020
This seems like such a simple add.
kdipaolo on June 14, 2018
Created on behalf of a customer. Who: Service Hub Goal: Access service hub tickets on mobile app It would be helpful for customers who are out of the office and don't have access to a laptop or computer to be able to work on tickets via mobil read more
173 Replies
February 14, 2020
I guess it didn't make the 2019 deadline. That is really unfortunate. I was about to take the jump and purchase service hub. Might have to look into more
xavierparduyns on April 28, 2017
I think it could be great if the creator of the task will be notified when the task is finished or is waiting... And have a discussion on the task
96 Replies
February 08, 2020
How is this simple feature not already implemented??
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