
Miembro desde ‎feb 7, 2020
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Tim Dachtler

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Febrero 09, 2023
I think the main problem is the user-agent. I've no idea how to handle changes in these agentes in future... I think i will run in a lot of problem ...Leer más
Febrero 09, 2023
Thank you @Thomastechweb for your feedback! Your version works but unfortunately not that perfect in my case :-(. My promblem in detail: An agen...Leer más
TimD1 en Febrero 09, 2023
I've created a custom module with two diverent stages for desktop and mobile. To make sure not run into SEO trubble because of duplicate content I try to find a solution to caputure the browser widow/screen size in Hubl and diliver just necessary c Leer más
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5 Respuestas
Marzo 18, 2022
Would be awsome if you could give us any updates about the release date 🙂 👍 ?
TimD1 en Febrero 10, 2022
Because of DSGVO requirements in Germany we need the option to delete several contact properties (as well as the complete property history) or the contact itself . For example we need to delete all Hubspot properties for NPS surveys after 12 m Leer más
Agosto 26, 2020
This feature is essential! Any updates on this?
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