
Member since ‎Feb 7, 2020
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Niklas Boeckmann

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stephentradify on July 26, 2017
Allow a new condition in lists/workflows that compares different properties. One example it can help with is to automatically find who is the primary contact for a company. You could do it in a workflow like this: IF Contact Email is equal to read more
103 Replies
July 09, 2020
Addition: Especially needed for custom deal amounts. We calculate our deal amount based on a few variables. If the variable fees are higher than our more
stephentradify on July 26, 2017
Allow a new condition in lists/workflows that compares different properties. One example it can help with is to automatically find who is the primary contact for a company. You could do it in a workflow like this: IF Contact Email is equal to read more
103 Replies
July 09, 2020
Addition: Especially needed for custom deal amounts. We calculate our deal amount based on a few variables. If the variable fees are higher than our more
MarionFrelon on June 07, 2019
Hey there, after onboarding a new customer on Sales Pro, I have struggled with one of his request that seem to me to be a basic request for sales follow-up : they wanted to be able to build a custom deal report for one deal owner, showing deals read more
17 Replies
May 19, 2020
We really need this feature. It's an absolute pain point for us. A lot of charts in our KPI report have to compare months/years in column charts. We more
Kaleudia on December 18, 2018
It would be good to be able to calculate days between two dates, for example "Days between a lead became MQL until it became a Client", and so with all date fields.
48 Replies
May 17, 2020
Need this!
Nikboe on May 14, 2020
Hi, I would like to track how many visitors that came through our blog converted into a lead via a form. So the reporting would be: 100 views on blog / 5 new contacts generated / 5% conversion rate. That way we can track the success of o read more
Nikboe on April 17, 2020
Hi, what I basically want to do is: Form filled out --> send email with file based on form But I have 20+ files and don't want to create a form + automated workflow for each of the files. What is the easiest way to do that? A hidden read more
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