
Miembro desde ‎jun 27, 2017
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Marzo 19, 2018
This seems like it would be easy for Hubspot to implement. Something as simple as just asking via the Lead Flows if a CTA would rather to be used. O...Leer más
Marzo 19, 2018
This would be an awesome feature. Even if it's through the lead flow area but just have a check box or something to not use a form but a CTA instead....Leer más
Enero 26, 2018
I just got asked about this. So glad I'm not the only one! So many none business emails are coming through in my lead flow so it's effective, I just...Leer más
Enero 18, 2018
I know that hubspot doesn't have the ability to turn on AMP for website pages, but will there be a day that this occurs?
jrudd en Junio 27, 2017
Adding the ability to make a flexible column within a Blog template and not just a Website Page or Landing Page would be useful. I am trying to allow editing and creating Blogs and pages to be more accessable for non developers. I have created Cust Leer más
53 Me gusta
21 Respuestas
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