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Lorna Marsh

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Lorna-M on November 02, 2023
My colleague has left our company and I need to remove him from our workflow notifications but there is currently no way to do this in bulk. Instead I am going to have to view 54 workflows to see if he has been receiving an notification. Please can Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
Charmaine on September 09, 2019
It would be great if we could have a custom field type that was for "time." This property would let me select the time for an appointment as well as the time zone. It would help when trying to create workflows to trigger based off appointme Beitrag ansehen
Oktober 31, 2023
I also would find this very useful.
Lorna-M on März 02, 2023
Hi all - I've just set up a LinkedIn advertising campaign in Hubspot for the first time and I'm struggling with some elements. LinkedIn is suggesting I create a few creatives for each and they allow you to do this within 1 ad campaign but I'm strugg Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
März 02, 2023
Thanks for responding Ben, I thought that might be the case. Do you have a view on whether it's better to set up ads directly in LinkedIn or on Hubsp...Beitrag ansehen
Lorna-M on März 02, 2023
Hi all - I've just set up a LinkedIn advertising campaign in Hubspot for the first time and I'm struggling with some elements. LinkedIn is suggesting I create a few creatives for each and they allow you to do this within 1 ad campaign but I'm strugg Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
März 02, 2023
Thanks for responding Ben, I thought that might be the case. Do you have a view on whether it's better to set up ads directly in LinkedIn or on Hubsp...Beitrag ansehen
hubspotgreg on September 13, 2018
I am trying to keep track of all user interatction with the system. How can I view an audit trail of user logins and actions taken?
11 Antworten
November 15, 2022
Hi Flora - was a solution ever put in place for this? Thanks, Lorna
Lorna-M on März 22, 2022
Add a filter so I can see (and fix) all first name fileds which include names shown all in capital letters or have a lower case letter as the first letter.
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