
Member since ‎Feb 3, 2020
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Bjørn Hascher

Head of Marketing and CRM at De Nieuwe Zaak


HButler on November 16, 2022
I see several other people have requested this over the years but the mobile phone contact property really need the country code toggle in forms. We currently have to manually add the country code to all form submissions after the fact right now and read more
15 Replies
December 05, 2023
It's a lot of manual work updating mobile phone numbers now because this feature is not there. Please add this country code dropdown menu also at more
bhascher on December 04, 2023
Hi, when a form is submitted I can have this information sent as a notification to one or more email addresses. However, I am looking for a way to send this submitted info to different email addresses based on the submitted info. For example, wh read more
mbarba on February 24, 2022
Hey there! I’m Mary Barba, HubSpot Academy’s revenue operations (RevOps) professor. Welcome to the Data Management & Reporting Study Group! One of the best ways to learnData Management & Reporting is by implementi read more
1024 Replies
December 01, 2023
Head of Marketing E-Commerce & Digital Marketing To help identify or double-check challenges My LinkedIn Network No, not at the moment more
Le1 on March 22, 2022
It would be great to have an easy function to be able to use the contacts company logo in communication including Landing pages. So not just their name and company name in text. Currently attempted this with a custom file and edited the code on read more
November 06, 2023
This is a great idea, other companies like Clearbit do offer this as a feature. Not only personalize by name but also by using a logo. HubSpot has more
bhascher on September 21, 2023
Hi, I am looking for a way with custom reports, or calculated properties or datasets to calculate cost per contact. For example, when we organize a Webinar with 100 registered contacts. I want to divide the amount in the field: 'Campaign spend' read more
1 upvote
2 Replies
HubDoPete on September 14, 2018
The new integrated video ability in the CRM when writing emails is great. Sequences are a great way to generate a response from a prospect, with a reply or a booked meeting. Are there plans to add the integrated video function when adding pr read more
5 Replies
June 09, 2023
The whole idea of using a centralized process of producing, hosting and using video's is not working when HubSpot Video's can't be used in more
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