
Member since ‎Jan 25, 2020
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Frederik Gabriel

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frederikgabriel on January 25, 2020
I've recently made a landing page with HubStrap Template - everything looks great but.. I can't get the form to work. The form won't update to my chosen HS form. Please advise.
KRosenholm on December 12, 2019
Hi there, I've created an LP in the HubSpot Template, HubStrap Lite, with a form and designed the whole page. Unfortunately, I need the form to be in the center of the page and the module included is a text and form module and won't let me or se read more
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January 25, 2020
Hi, I'm experiencing a similar but more basic problem. I'm using HubStrap Lite but the "default theme form" won't update to my HubSpot form. more
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