
Member | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Jan 24, 2020
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David Azcunaga

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dazcunaga on August 01, 2023
We want to have the automatic association that happens with contacts when the invoice is synced, to also happen from Invoice to Company. It is possible to do this manually, but we are looking for a way for this to happen automatically if possible. read more
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NelsonS on May 20, 2021
Hola comunidad de HubSpot !!! Soy nuevo en HubSpot y dispongo de una cuenta Sales Enterprise . Mi consulta es la siguiente: Quisiera saber si es posible configurar el búscador del Objeto Contacto, ya que, solamente puedo busc read more
Member | Elite Partner
May 21, 2021
Hola @NelsonS , La solución que he encontrado es, si bien no te deja buscarlo dentro del segmento de contactos, si puedes buscarlo en el more
paulbab1998 on February 01, 2021
Hi, I'm trying to create a Workflow that notifies me when a deal that is greater than $500K moves out of the quarter. Is there any way to set a trigger based on when a live date changes from one range to another range? Thanks, Paul
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Member | Elite Partner
February 01, 2021
Hello Paul, I don't believe you can be that specific, but maybe a workflow that notifies you when the close date is updated and the notification more
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