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Paulina Burzynska

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DavidMFT on November 10, 2017
Hi, we get a lot of overseas enquiries, the process to enrol an overseas student is quite complex & labour intensive. We get many many enquiries, the conversion rate is very low. The first email is a response to their enquiry. I have setu Beitrag ansehen
243 Antworten
Mai 11, 2020
if someone else responds to an email sent through a sequence, and CCs the original person - it doesn’t appear under that original contact feed. ...Beitrag ansehen
aadame on November 21, 2017
filters/sequences Is there a way I can look up contacts that I own that are on a particular sequence? or can I filter sequences to show only contacts that i own? I would like to know where my contact are in a particular sequence or be able to so Beitrag ansehen
Mai 08, 2020
It would be very helpful for analysis of the funnel and all touchpoints of a contact user journey to be able to filter if they were ever part of a sp...Beitrag ansehen
paulaburza on April 29, 2020
if someone else responds to an email sent through a sequence, and CCs the original person - it doesn’t appear under that original contact feed. That original person is still enrolled in a sequence. It would be great if this was automa Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Margstar on November 04, 2019
It would be helpful to have additional CTA options to unenroll contacts from sequences beyond the standard "booked meeting" or "replied to email." For instance, we run a lot of webinars and use Sequences to promote them to our contacts. In this case Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
April 29, 2020
This would be very helpful for us too.
brittwhittemore on August 18, 2017
I would love to be able to create a static or smart list of companies. Right now, you can create a list based on company fields, but it generates contact names, not companies.
76 Antworten
April 03, 2020
This would be super useful especially for ABM purposes
dkap on Mai 15, 2017
I would like the ability to pause a workflow, thus keeping all users at the step they are in, and then unpause it a few days later. Adding delay steps will not accomplish the same thing. For example, I want to pause a campaign during a holiday wee Beitrag ansehen
62 Antworten
März 24, 2020
this would definitely be very very useful!
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