
Member since ‎Jan 22, 2020
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Daniel Brindley

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softlightdan on October 26, 2020
Hi Everyone, I just completed an 'companies' import and i had quite a lot of duplicates. The error code was DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE_ID and the reason was (for example) "Alternate ID '' was already used in this import on line read more
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6 Replies
October 27, 2020
I do not see how this answered my question, my question was how do I ADD duplicate domains (or companies) with different addresses?
softlightdan on October 26, 2020
Hi Everyone, I just completed an 'companies' import and i had quite a lot of duplicates. The error code was DUPLICATE_ALTERNATE_ID and the reason was (for example) "Alternate ID '' was already used in this import on line read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
October 27, 2020
I do not see how this answered my question, my question was how do I ADD duplicate domains (or companies) with different addresses?
CristianP on October 27, 2017
The Text Limitation - As you're aware there is a limitation in how much text you can include in the body of a snippet. This is disappointing as there may be paragraphs you send quite often that don't necessarily qualify to be a template. For exampl read more
96 Replies
January 23, 2020
I never knew they were for templates I immediatley started using them for my custom email sales pitches 😉 I too would like them lengthened.
bb on July 24, 2017
Plain and simple, email needs an "undo" option. Sometimes we delete something and realize it would be better to keep it. Or we highllight it to move it but delete rather than cut... you get the idea.
28 Replies
January 22, 2020
I just accidentley deleted a paragraph as I create an email in contatcts to send in hubspot. I'm not sure there is a undo feature for this? Please more
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