
Member since ‎Jan 22, 2020
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Megha Mathews

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AEL on March 31, 2017
I want to start a new Workflow with a List, add a delay of 30 days, then send an internal email, then delay again for 30 more days. I want it to repeat over and over again as long as a Contact remains on that List. We'd like to use it to remind sta read more
33 Replies
August 12, 2021
Ya, this is a great and much-required idea.
nbradshaw on September 30, 2020
LinkedIn Events offers a super low friction way for leads to register for events, but there doesn't appear to be any way to sync that data with Hubspot. Please include LinkedIn Events data in the LinkedIn integrations offering!
41 Replies
June 15, 2021
What we could do alternatively if we have the email address from LinkedIn is that create a property and mark it yes or no or give any custom value. more
SteveG on January 17, 2020
We want to look at all the contacts who filled out a certain form, and see what pages were visited prior to the form submission (going back multiple pages, if possible, not just the previous page) I know you can look in an individual contact rec read more
10 Replies
May 13, 2021
Yes this is a feature we all are looking forward to. It helps us decide which page made the user to fill in the form.
meghamathews on May 04, 2021
Hi, A format button would be a wonderful addition to the current formatting options. This button would help us to copy the exact format of a particular text to different texts. Hence enabling the user not to select the color, size, style each ti read more
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meghamathews on December 16, 2020
Hi, As many companies are having amazing pop up forms, the companies who uses HS for their CMS has very less option for pop up forms. I would like to see a change in that
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meghamathews on July 23, 2020
Hi, We were thinking of a feature where we could limit the blogs ready by a visitor in a day/week/month. If they submit a small form then they could view the remaining blogs.
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