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Julianne Applegate

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MarvinW on März 01, 2023
Hi, we are sending some Newsletters and on the "Recipients" View of this Email, i can see exactly which Links were clicked by a Recipient. If i go to a Contacts Detail Page -> Activity i can only see the Numbers of Openings and Clickes, i Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Dezember 18, 2023
Hi! All of this sounds very helpful. It it still working this way? I feel like I am missing something here. When I have the partiucular email op...Beitrag ansehen
NinaKovari on August 23, 2019
We do a lot of business with international companies that have various branches across the globe. It would be useful to be able to associate these branches with each other through a "sister" or "related" company relationship, similar to the parent/c Beitrag ansehen
Juli 11, 2023
I agree that user created custom tags is the way to go with this!
NinaKovari on August 23, 2019
We do a lot of business with international companies that have various branches across the globe. It would be useful to be able to associate these branches with each other through a "sister" or "related" company relationship, similar to the parent/c Beitrag ansehen
Juli 11, 2023
I agree that user created custom tags is the way to go with this!
Wilson_Wallo on März 10, 2017
Hello HubSpot! Thank you for taking my question. I am setting up a network of "Companies" for my business and some of them have two related "Parent" Companies. However, it seems that a Company may only have ONE Parent. Is there a way to bypass t Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
Januar 20, 2020
Agreed. Beyond parent/child companies I need to track vendor networks and licensee relationships. I tried to create a custom field, but could not...Beitrag ansehen
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