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Sebastian @ Cookie Information

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flippyfloppies on September 01, 2020
There have been a lot of posts asking to freeze the first title row, but I'm surprised there's not more requests for freezing the first column, like you often do in Excel. Right now, I can edit the columns available to view under table actions ( Beitrag ansehen
94 Antworten
Januar 27, 2022
When you have a lot of columns in a list or table in HubSpot in can be troublesome to analyse since the name columns disappear when "scrolling" to th...Beitrag ansehen
sbacookie on Mai 04, 2021
Hello all We are a SaaS company that has dedicated our supporting tech stack to Stripe and Intercom. However, I am having some real issues synching dates from Stripe and Intercom into Hubspot. For our sales, CRM, and support team it is impo Beitrag ansehen
August 06, 2021
Hi Janick Unfortunately, I have still not been able to successfully synch dates from Stripe or Intercom into HubSpot. Best, Sebastian
sbacookie on Mai 04, 2021
Hello all We are a SaaS company that has dedicated our supporting tech stack to Stripe and Intercom. However, I am having some real issues synching dates from Stripe and Intercom into Hubspot. For our sales, CRM, and support team it is impo Beitrag ansehen
August 06, 2021
Hi Janick Unfortunately, I have still not been able to successfully synch dates from Stripe or Intercom into HubSpot. Best, Sebastian
sbacookie on Mai 04, 2021
Hello all We are a SaaS company that has dedicated our supporting tech stack to Stripe and Intercom. However, I am having some real issues synching dates from Stripe and Intercom into Hubspot. For our sales, CRM, and support team it is impo Beitrag ansehen
August 06, 2021
Hi Janick Unfortunately, I have still not been able to successfully synch dates from Stripe or Intercom into HubSpot. Best, Sebastian
sbacookie on Mai 04, 2021
Hello all We are a SaaS company that has dedicated our supporting tech stack to Stripe and Intercom. However, I am having some real issues synching dates from Stripe and Intercom into Hubspot. For our sales, CRM, and support team it is impo Beitrag ansehen
August 06, 2021
Hi Janick Unfortunately, I have still not been able to successfully synch dates from Stripe or Intercom into HubSpot. Best, Sebastian
sbacookie on Mai 04, 2021
Hello all We are a SaaS company that has dedicated our supporting tech stack to Stripe and Intercom. However, I am having some real issues synching dates from Stripe and Intercom into Hubspot. For our sales, CRM, and support team it is impo Beitrag ansehen
August 06, 2021
Hi Janick Unfortunately, I have still not been able to successfully synch dates from Stripe or Intercom into HubSpot. Best, Sebastian
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