
Member since ‎Jan 16, 2020
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Chilvalric on May 11, 2021
Hello everyone, I have a doubt regarding Hubspot's free tools. I have recently "landed" in a new company and I would like to introduce Hubspot in a non-traumatic way, so starting with its free version which already has very interesting features. read more
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4 Replies
May 14, 2021
Thank you very much @karstenkoehler
Chilvalric on May 11, 2021
Hello everyone, I have a doubt regarding Hubspot's free tools. I have recently "landed" in a new company and I would like to introduce Hubspot in a non-traumatic way, so starting with its free version which already has very interesting features. read more
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4 Replies
May 14, 2021
Thank you very much @karstenkoehler
Chilvalric on May 11, 2021
Hello everyone, I have a doubt regarding Hubspot's free tools. I have recently "landed" in a new company and I would like to introduce Hubspot in a non-traumatic way, so starting with its free version which already has very interesting features. read more
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4 Replies
May 14, 2021
Thank you very much @karstenkoehler
Chilvalric on December 08, 2020
Good morning, I have a big problem that is literally taking my sleep away. About an hour after having changed the Forecast probability of my Deals, the value returns to 1 creating confusion in my CRM. How can I solve? Thanks in advance! read more
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Chilvalric on September 29, 2020
Good evening, I have a question regarding the graphic settings of Form. Would it be possible to insert my company logo and change the name of the button? Thank you in advance for any answers! Best Regards
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Chilvalric on September 08, 2020
Good morning, I wanted to ask a question about the Tasks. is it possible to filter the different Queues in the Board view? Thank you in advance for any answers! Kind Regards
3 Replies
September 08, 2020
Thank you for your quick reply. I hope that this implementation will be ready soon. 😀 Kind regards
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