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Stan Zeehandelaar

As the Operations lead at Recruit Robin, I automate as many of our internal processes as possible. When the default Hubspot workflow options became too limited, I decided to learn how to code. Now I build custom code inside of workflows and use the Rest API to build integrations with other software solution we use.


Stanz on Mai 01, 2024
We have recently started to log calls in our HubSpot CRM. When logging calls, it's important to set the call outcome, so we made this mandatory. However, not just the call outcome is important. We need additional information. For example, whe Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
Stanz on Februar 26, 2024
Hi! We would love to have the functionality to change the middle column for deal records based on specific properties of that deal. In our case, we would like to change the setup of what cards are shown based on the deal pipeline. This woul Beitrag ansehen
1 Antwort
Stanz on Juli 20, 2023
Hi Hubspot, It would be great if you can revert to a previous version of a workflow. By clicking on 'Changes' you can see the different changes you've made to a workflow in the past and you can click to see the revision, but there is no button t Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
hjohnston on April 17, 2020
When onboarding new clients, our company uses a HubSpot form to collect things like company name, company brand guidelines, ideal meeting times, and other items to help us set up our marketing engagement. We would like to include a field for the Beitrag ansehen
21 Antworten
Juni 29, 2023
We are looking for this functionality as well! As our customers would add anywhere between 4 and 50 of their colleagues as contacts, @HubLove 's...Beitrag ansehen
mikee on April 19, 2019
The current behavior for calculated properties is to round to two (or more) decimal places. It would be helpful to instead allow results to be rounded to the nearest whole number (an integer) – instead of two decimal places. Even better would be to Beitrag ansehen
74 Antworten
April 14, 2023
Is there an update on this?
Stanz on März 08, 2023
As a Sales Rep or Customer Success/Support Manager, I would like to send an email to all associated contacts of a deal by clicking 'create an email' on the deal object. While it's possible to click 'create an email' and select associated contac Beitrag ansehen
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