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David Cook

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tonyriyash on Juli 23, 2019
How about having the option of choosing the association i.e deal that this call was made in regard to, once the "log a call" page layout appears in the mobile app? There can be multiple deals associated with the same contact and associating the cal Beitrag ansehen
Juni 30, 2022
@JSherman Honestly, yes it should be this easy. From what I can see, the general capability is there within the Node SDK they have. Of course it wo...Beitrag ansehen
tonyriyash on Juli 23, 2019
How about having the option of choosing the association i.e deal that this call was made in regard to, once the "log a call" page layout appears in the mobile app? There can be multiple deals associated with the same contact and associating the cal Beitrag ansehen
Juni 30, 2022
@JSherman Honestly, yes it should be this easy. From what I can see, the general capability is there within the Node SDK they have. Of course it wo...Beitrag ansehen
brent1 on Januar 04, 2018
Most all other CRMs have the ability to bulk associate, or edit, Activities with a specific Deal. So if I want to go back and link emails, calls, tasks, etc., to a specific deal I currently have to do it on a one by one basis. This should be an easy Beitrag ansehen
43 Antworten
Juni 30, 2022
Hubspot... do better. 3 years later and no reply. This is killing our tracking, and the fact that I (an engineer) cannot figure out how to link this ...Beitrag ansehen
monmc on Mai 03, 2017
When I book a meeting through meetings or in my google calendar, it shows up on the person't Hubspot profile. After the meeting takes place I want to go back and add notes to that meeting. If I do this, I have to save and send updates to everyone. Beitrag ansehen
72 Antworten
März 12, 2020
+1 This has got to be one of the least intuitive elements of HubSpot.
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