
Member since ‎Jan 14, 2020
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Celestine Grev

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ctgrev1 on March 04, 2020
Hi all! I'm trying to A/B test forms using Google Optimize but running into some problems. The code for the form on the website doesn't line up with anything in my embed code. There was an old Hubspot forum post about this, but the answer do read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
March 06, 2020
I had a long conversation with support about this and discovered that the formID that's used in optimize isn't created for a Hubspot form until it's more
ctgrev1 on March 04, 2020
Hi all! I'm trying to A/B test forms using Google Optimize but running into some problems. The code for the form on the website doesn't line up with anything in my embed code. There was an old Hubspot forum post about this, but the answer do read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
March 06, 2020
I had a long conversation with support about this and discovered that the formID that's used in optimize isn't created for a Hubspot form until it's more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 39 votes. There currently isn't a way to A/B test forms. I'm assuming other users out there would be interested in A/B testing whether or not certain fields create higher form submission drop off than o read more
94 Replies
February 26, 2020
This would be super helpful!
Brett_Weaver on April 12, 2018
Hello, It would be very helpful to automatically have a Task which was created under a Contact also be associated with the Contact's Company. There are mentions of this on the community forum already for a couple of different reasons. My rea read more
61 Replies
January 14, 2020
Being able to have a task coming out of a sequence associated with both the contact and the company would be HUGE!
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