
Member since ‎Jan 13, 2020
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Nicole Watson

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Tactitian on May 22, 2020
Currently, when you have a back and forth conversation with a client, it gets assembled in a thread for better readability. But the thread gets duplicated as many times as there are emails within it. So a 10 email conversation with a client will gen read more
15 Replies
February 06, 2023
Please could Hubspot look at this?? It is my least favourite thing about Hubspot and makes looking through the activity feed much harder than it more
NicolefromJayex on June 23, 2022
I have recently had to move to outlook and the hubspot emails add on does not yet work for windows 11. Is there any idea of when this will work as I used it ALL the time with gmail.
Tactitian on May 22, 2020
Currently, when you have a back and forth conversation with a client, it gets assembled in a thread for better readability. But the thread gets duplicated as many times as there are emails within it. So a 10 email conversation with a client will gen read more
15 Replies
February 06, 2023
Please could Hubspot look at this?? It is my least favourite thing about Hubspot and makes looking through the activity feed much harder than it more
lrn24 on January 02, 2019
When creating a task, it defaults to being due at 5 pm. There is no way to change the default for this. You need to manually change every task which is time-consuming. There should be an option for default this time to one of your choosing.
176 Replies
March 17, 2021
It would be really handy to set the reminder to automatic as well. I have noticed that it is no longer setting one automatically (a reminder). Is more
NilsK on January 02, 2020
We use a specific tax % on every quote so it should be possible to set a standard and e.g. add a 19% tax on every quote created automatically. Benefits: Saves times Avoid mistakes
211 Replies
January 13, 2020
Seconded. Please add an auto tax feature!
agnsob on January 23, 2019
hey! We wanted to implement Quotes as part of our sales process. Overall, the functionality looks great and easy to use, apart from one thing - we can't edit our company address. Our HQ is in Germany and this address is in HubSpot. But we a read more
52 Replies
January 13, 2020
I completely agree with the above. It is pretty time consuming and easier to miss when you have to edit each individual quote. A drop-down box more
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