
Member since ‎Jan 7, 2020
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James Galilee

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JamesG1 on April 14, 2020
Hi there, We're a digital ad agency, and we often bill clients as a % of their overall media spend. At the moment, it's a manual process to collect ad spend for the month passed and calculate billing. Are there any solutions available th read more
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2 Replies
ScottH on June 12, 2017
Should be able to make a 'Company Lifecycle Funnel' widget with conversion rates between each Lifecycle stage (see 'Contact Lifecycle Funnel' widget for example).
March 03, 2020
I set out to solve this problem thinking it was just something I was missing in the interface... Now i've seen 2 years+ of requests being ignored by more
SteveMatlick on August 06, 2019
Hi, I can't seem to locate this, I might be overlooking it. In the Marketing Performance section of the Marketing Dashboard it currently displays Sessions, New Contacts, and Customers for the given time period selected. Is there a report alr read more
March 03, 2020
2nd to this - Our MQL, SQL, Opportunity reports are over-inflated when there are multiple contacts at the business!
kathyDecOnDem on July 11, 2019
It would be nice to auto-enroll leads into sequences like you can for workflows.
26 Replies
February 28, 2020
Pretty confused as to why this isn't available, I'd assumed this was a basic functionality of the sales / marketing tools to be able to auto enroll more
Kaleudia on December 18, 2018
It would be good to be able to calculate days between two dates, for example "Days between a lead became MQL until it became a Client", and so with all date fields.
48 Replies
February 11, 2020
Upvote for this, seems like a simple functionality for a CRM system that's touted to support the 'inbound flywheel' to be missing... How am I more
fifibonbebe on September 13, 2018
PLEASE HELP! ADVICE NEEDED! PUPPY GIF PROVIDED. I'm a little stuck and need some wonderful advice from my Hubspot crew to help match up actual monthly revenue against company records. I am looking into work arounds, but someone must have the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
January 07, 2020
Hi all, Dragging this one back up from the depths. I'd really appreciate some insights into how to go about associating xero invoicing more
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