
Member since ‎Dec 19, 2019
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Kwong Chung

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kchung on November 21, 2022
Hello, Is there a way to make the Hubspot standard Image Gallery accessible? Currently, if you tab through a webpage that contains the Image Gallery module, the tabbing skips it - therefore it's not accessible and would fail an accessibility te read more
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kchung on February 17, 2022
I used this code to dynamically list 5 most recent blogs. It includes an image and title of the blog - both are linked (and it works great): <div class="dynamic-blog-item">{% set posts = blog_recent_posts('default', 5) %} {% for post in po read more
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anhorvat on July 14, 2020
Hello everyone, I am seeking help regarding the implementation of 3rd party cookie tools on HubSpot. Some part of our website is on WordPress , but our Landing Pages and the Blog is on HubSpot . I need a cookie tool for both content management read more
November 02, 2020
Hi Everyone, We are using the OneTrust cookie agreement and have inserted the snippet of code into the <head> of the global setting's more
yidanwang on January 04, 2019
When the custom module is rendered, an unique id is attached to the HTML div component with the format hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1538643526593 Is there a way to get this unique ID in the module itself through HUBL? Basically I'm looking for a w read more
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July 29, 2020
Hi Jason, That works! It created a unique ID for each of the items within the module. Now I can target each item to re-style in CSS. Thank more
yidanwang on January 04, 2019
When the custom module is rendered, an unique id is attached to the HTML div component with the format hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1538643526593 Is there a way to get this unique ID in the module itself through HUBL? Basically I'm looking for a w read more
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July 29, 2020
Hi Jason, That works! It created a unique ID for each of the items within the module. Now I can target each item to re-style in CSS. Thank more
yidanwang on January 04, 2019
When the custom module is rendered, an unique id is attached to the HTML div component with the format hs_cos_wrapper_widget_1538643526593 Is there a way to get this unique ID in the module itself through HUBL? Basically I'm looking for a w read more
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July 29, 2020
Hi Jason, That works! It created a unique ID for each of the items within the module. Now I can target each item to re-style in CSS. Thank more
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