
Member since ‎Dec 19, 2019
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Coline Labadie

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shannonk922 on September 28, 2021
It would be nice for the unsubscribes to be separate for business units. If a contact goes to unsubscribe from all communication it won't unsubscribe them from the other unit. Or if business units were separate. So you could toggle between units and read more
February 07, 2022
We need this too!! Has anyone found a workaround?
FelipeFelix on January 29, 2021
Hi there! I would like to have the ability to create multi-language property names for internal use. My company database is entirely in English and my Dev, Product, Data and other more technical users prefer to use HubSpot in English as well read more
59 Replies
January 27, 2022
Absolutely! 100% needed, we have sales persons on the fields who speak only French, others only English or German, it's a nightmare for them!
Cococool on December 20, 2021
Hello Hubspot community, I'm looking for best practices about upgrades in Hubspot. We have integrated a group who want to adopt Hubspot enterprise for all their brands. We have a lot of work in our Pro account. What is the smartest way to p read more
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Cococool on January 27, 2021
Hello Hubpot users, It would be great to be able to plug Lead Ad forms as an acquisition channel in Conversations inboxes, just like any other form. Thanks!
cpieri on May 06, 2020
Welcome to ELEVATE! We are so excited to work with each of you in the coming months! Let's get started by introducing ourselves. Feel free to tell us whatever you'd like but here are a few ideas to get started: Your name Where you are locate read more
415 Replies
June 16, 2020
Hi everyone, I'm Coline Labadie, COO at Arioneo where we work to bring data science to the equine industry. Happy to join the Elevate program 🙂
Cococool on January 21, 2020
Hello, The % Tax system works fine, we understood how to link Hubspot et Stripe for recurring payments quotes. However on a recurring quote, the VAT line gets lost because it is not comprised in the "Recurring sub-total", hence bad bad issues wh read more
21 Replies
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