
Member since ‎Dec 17, 2019
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Robin Thies

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RobinT on May 04, 2021
We'd like a feature whereby program sales commissions can be automatically calculated after a job is sold.
1 upvote
1 Reply
RobinT on November 13, 2020
In my company, sales rep work on certain deals/companies together. We'd like the ability to have multiple contact and deal owners.
RobinT on September 23, 2020
I would like the ability to add a custom field column in the ads dashboard. The way my company conducts business, we have installation revenue and RMR. The RMR is revenue associated with a deal, and it recurs each month. I want to bring the RMR Amo read more
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RobinT on September 14, 2020
I'd like to be able to look at influenced revenue so that it is unique and not potentially double/triple/quadruple counted if someone was influenced by more than one campaign
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RobinT on September 03, 2020
I'd like to be able to see tasks assigned to a subset of users on the task screen - not to be able to just see one user or all users.
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khughes on April 03, 2017
Add forward to a friend feature to email. When the user clicks on this link, they are taken to a form where they can enter 10 colleagues email addresses and contact details in which the email is resent to them (which looks exactly like the original read more
18 Replies
December 17, 2019
Yes, would definitely use this feature.
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