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Justin Perkins

As a highly accomplished business expert, I have worked to develop skills that will greatly assist a customer’s daily needs at finding them the right solution. These skills allow me to support a company’s growth through multiple paths of advancement. Excelling with both start-ups and mature leading global companies. With a technology background ranging from CLM/CMS software, Salesforce administration, NetSuite administration, CRM, ERP, and E-commerce platforms. My goal is always to bring all this knowledge to the table to help those I work with every day to hopefully, in the end, be able to improve their own processes.


JustinPerkinsC on April 16, 2024
How do you all feel about the UI tweak to smart lists in hubspot where they dont really give a good idea of pages any longer? You only see the current page you are on and the prev/next button. For me visually I no longer really have a go Beitrag ansehen
April 04, 2024
totally going to take some getting used to, though still a beta so expect stuff to get tweaked. I think the bigger issue is I dont see a way to toggl...Beitrag ansehen
März 14, 2024
Reply to Bad Links
yeah that domain screams issues to me! These days it is so hard to trust the emails we receive.
März 05, 2024
You should be able to do this, but one thing I would also want to do with the automation is do some sanity checks and make sure there is not already ...Beitrag ansehen
März 05, 2024
I believe based on the package breakout you would need to have the next tier up for custom coding/stylesheets. Free: Includes standalone, po...Beitrag ansehen
März 05, 2024
Yeah as they mentioned the reason this isn't allowed is you can easily see the issue of mass CC's possible from an automation standpoint. Even though...Beitrag ansehen
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