
Member since ‎Dec 12, 2019
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Inga Baumert

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1975920 on January 11, 2017
Hello, Can you please make it so I can switch my signatures when i email from hubspot? I need to tailor it to fit the different types of people I speak with. That would be very helpful! Thank you!
210 Replies
March 04, 2024
Would be a perfect addition, especially for our sequences to switch between mail signatures and to set it as a default for a specific sequence 🙏
IngaB on November 09, 2023
My personal problem, we wanted to use Arial font as default for our CRM emails like we did for our marketing mails, but its not possible. Another thing i noticed along the way, in Marketing mails we use pixel (px) while for the user settings points read more
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IngaB on July 12, 2023
We just noticed that it would be convenient if search results could be edited. Like if next to the telephone number we could add the mobile number. Because you can call someone from your search results it would be awesome to choose what to call.
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OBenAbdallah on August 04, 2022
Something that would be useful for workflows would be a way to enqueue enrollment in Workflows. My problem: I enroll/re-enroll deals in a workflow based on several triggers (OR conditions) that sends a Webhook. Then I get the workflow overwhelm read more
1 Reply
August 31, 2022
Sounds like a good addition to what i whish for. I would like to set a priority queue for workflows, that always a workflow to start before another, more
IngaB on August 29, 2022
A Workflow triggert by someone getting more points in a certain time would be a good addition.
IngaB on July 06, 2022
It would be nice to track a site visit of the integration Demodesk in HubSpot. So we could score the site visit in HubSpot.
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