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Nicolas B.

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NBP on April 04, 2023
Hello, When we create a communication via a POST to the url with an association with a Contact, we have an http 400 error with this message: { "status": "error", "message" Beitrag ansehen
NBP on März 07, 2023
Hello, I use the API /crm/v3/objects/communications/batch/update to create multiple objects. I use the response to save the communication ID to update them later. But, the order in the JSON array results is not preserved (I te Beitrag ansehen
NBP on August 16, 2021
Hello, Sometimes, we get a "400 error - Event ID already in use" return when calling `/integrations/v1/ ${ applicationId } /timeline/event` . This error should never occur because the call should update the timeline event when it al Beitrag ansehen
Jems212 on April 13, 2017
Workflow seems to have internal SMS but there is no option for SMS to contacts. Thinking as a reminder of appointments it would be a great feature. I understand there are legal issues around use of SMS but be great if could figure a way t Beitrag ansehen
August 13, 2020
Hello @APT27t18 , Thank you for your comment but we don't agree. With almost all mobile subscriptions, unlimited texting is for person...Beitrag ansehen
Jems212 on April 13, 2017
Workflow seems to have internal SMS but there is no option for SMS to contacts. Thinking as a reminder of appointments it would be a great feature. I understand there are legal issues around use of SMS but be great if could figure a way t Beitrag ansehen
August 13, 2020
Hello @APT27t18 , Thank you for your comment but we don't agree. With almost all mobile subscriptions, unlimited texting is for person...Beitrag ansehen
NBP on Juli 24, 2020
Hello, When we add an app from Hubspot Marketplace, we can't see timelines events and CRM cards related to this app in the HubSpot mobile app. It could be usefull to support app (app from Hubspot Marketplace) integration in HubSpot mo Beitrag ansehen
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