
Member since ‎Dec 11, 2019
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Danie Zaika

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Mhpoulsen on February 05, 2019
I am really confused here. Since there's no way to change the lifecycle stage property (booo HubSpot), I was wondering what you guys are doing out there. What lifecycle stage do you assign churned clients. Do you keep it as it is or do you set i read more
17 Replies
March 14, 2020
If you do this, you will lose all timestamp data associated with when that lead moved through the lifecycle stages previously. You can't set a lead " more
Eleven11 on February 21, 2019
We have a goal to add a certain number of contact records every week. Currently there is no way to report on this. We can only see current user and though we can see who created the contact by looking at the history for date created, there is no rea read more
2 Replies
January 21, 2020
We absolutely need this! Currently the only way to extract this data is to export a list of contacts created each week (or whatever time frame you more
Guna_Pandian on February 17, 2018
I’m using contacts api to get list of contacts. I want to know owner of the contact and creator of the contact. My use case is like below: User A created a contact and assigned that contact to User B. owner: User B creator: User A Which field read more
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3 Replies
January 17, 2020
Did you ever figure this out? I'm trying to figure out how to find contact creator as well.
landers_210 on July 23, 2019
Why can't we send HTML emails as part of HubSpot's new form follow-up email tool? The plain text emails don't allow us to add CTAs, images, and other essential email elements. Until this is resolved, we will have to workflows to send our HTML au read more
48 Replies
January 14, 2020
I figured out a way to do this. In Marketing Email, filter to only the "Follow-up Email" under Type. You may need to create one first from within more
landers_210 on July 23, 2019
Why can't we send HTML emails as part of HubSpot's new form follow-up email tool? The plain text emails don't allow us to add CTAs, images, and other essential email elements. Until this is resolved, we will have to workflows to send our HTML au read more
48 Replies
January 14, 2020
I figured out a way to do this. In Marketing Email, filter to only the "Follow-up Email" under Type. You may need to create one first from within more
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