
Member since ‎Nov 26, 2019
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Quentin Paquot

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Atelier on December 09, 2019
When @mentioned in a note in a 'deal', 'company', 'contact' i am sent a email notification showing a preview of the comment (see below example): Notification showing preview However, when I am @mentioned in a 'comment' added to a note on read more
12 Replies
February 25, 2020
Same here, cool to read @Anonymous - any update on timing? thanks
quentin1 on February 11, 2020
Hello, I'm trying to move deals in a Renewals pipeline automatically based on their close date. [The screenshot attached should help to easily understand the business need] I have troubles understading how re-enrollment works. In an ideal read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
February 13, 2020
Thanks, appreciated you took the time to analyze it! Let me test it your way, will update here Best, Quentin
quentin1 on February 11, 2020
Hello, I'm trying to move deals in a Renewals pipeline automatically based on their close date. [The screenshot attached should help to easily understand the business need] I have troubles understading how re-enrollment works. In an ideal read more
1 upvote
4 Replies
February 13, 2020
Thanks, appreciated you took the time to analyze it! Let me test it your way, will update here Best, Quentin
hhiggins on October 03, 2019
It would be a great addition to workflows if there were a feature for an enrollment trigger for when notes are added to contact, company, deal, or ticket records. Currently, there are activity triggers for "call notes" and "task notes" being added/u read more
December 24, 2019
Indeed, this would be a nice addition - we were used to send a meeting report to slack in pipedrive via notes - allowing a local sales team to be more
Jason3 on October 06, 2017
Currently when you create a task the default email reminder is set to on. Personally, I do not need emails sent to me for every task as I am actively logged into HubSpot all day and make many calls etc. My inbox would be bombarded. It would be read more
59 Replies
December 16, 2019
+1 --> The goal is our sales team to work in Hubspot, no in their mailbox
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