
Member since ‎Nov 22, 2019
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Jayne Scarman

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jaynescarman on March 21, 2022
It would be great to be able to be able to re-use the subscription template that is automated for sales emails within marketing emails. This sales email tamplate has a much nicer template than anything I'm able to create for marketing emails (a read more
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david-perroud on October 31, 2019
Our Knowledge Base is partially publicly available and indexed by Google. It features a lot of content both for existing customers but also potential customers (e.g. they wanna know in detail how to use the product before buying, or are googling for read more
49 Replies
July 01, 2021
We would also love the ability to set no-index on our KB articles. We want them to help our existing customers but don't want them accessible to the more
bsmith5791 on May 10, 2019
Would love to be able to customize the ticket board view. It would be helpful to choose properties to have in quick view versus clicking into.
40 Replies
May 07, 2021
@jhicks1365 you can customise two fields now to show in the board view. That would include ticket ID if you wanted.
bsmith5791 on May 10, 2019
Would love to be able to customize the ticket board view. It would be helpful to choose properties to have in quick view versus clicking into.
40 Replies
May 07, 2021
@jhicks1365 you can customise two fields now to show in the board view. That would include ticket ID if you wanted.
jaynescarman on April 13, 2021
Since the new UI update, it is no longer to edit company name/domain name and contact name/job title when previewing their record. I have to do this a lot so it is quite frustrating. I now have to view the whole record to edit and then go back to read more
CSwensson on April 12, 2021
Add customer properties in Deal that only specific hubspot teams see. We need this for 1 of our 13 hubspot teams. And as it is today, it's only possible to add this deal property when creating deals for all teams, which will annoy the other 12 team read more
1 Reply
April 13, 2021
This would also be helpful in the ticket view.
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