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04658 on April 15, 2022
In the conacts view it would be beneficial to sort by Primary company. It would be beneficial to be able to sort this column from the contacts page without having to go to the company records.
44 Replies
Top Contributor
December 12, 2023
Such a basic function still missing and we're almost in 2024...
thatalexd on March 20, 2020
In the Marketing Email function, you can create folders in folders in folders forever, and you can move emails/files between folders no problem. But God forbid you make a mistake or want to reorganize later, because you can't move the folders t read more
10 Replies
Top Contributor
November 06, 2023
Insane that in 2023 you cannot move marketing email folders into other marketing email folders
PDentonD22 on December 10, 2019
It'd be fab if HubSpot had the option for a night/dark mode to improve the UI. Did my eyes in working in the Chatflow tool all day (with blue-light blocking glasses!)
207 Replies
Top Contributor
July 28, 2022
I've been using the dark reader extension for Chrome that works well on almost all sites and is free
flippyfloppies on September 01, 2020
There have been a lot of posts asking to freeze the first title row, but I'm surprised there's not more requests for freezing the first column, like you often do in Excel. Right now, I can edit the columns available to view under table actions ( read more
94 Replies
Top Contributor
January 28, 2022
I thought this was the ideas forum? It would also be good to have the headers on top stay visible when you scroll down. This has probably already more
NataliaTorres on October 15, 2019
When I am looking tasks I can filter by state, title, type, date and the owner of the task but I can´t filter by the contact or deal thats is associated with the task and it`s makes difficult the work of my team, because we need to know if a contact read more
63 Replies
Top Contributor
July 13, 2021
It's absurd how limited the available columns are in the tasks page. Can't even show lifecycle stage!
Anonymous on June 09, 2021
Good morning. When a new employee is added to our HubSpot account their chat status is automatically set to "available." There are varying departments in our company and I am not always aware of when a new employee is added or not. Ho read more
2 Replies
Top Contributor
June 11, 2021
From my perspective, i would look at the way your chat/inboxes as setup and restrict the people who will chat with customers there. It is there you more
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