
Member since ‎Nov 20, 2019
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Christine Lindner

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MCS on July 31, 2018
I would like to be able to create my own personalized drag and drop email templates in the design manager. So instead of starting to create new drag and drop templates from scratch each time and adjusting them to the CI guidelines OR cloning te read more
80 Replies
December 29, 2021
E-Mail Templates are way too complicated. Still. Any update?
EvensSheehy on September 17, 2019
Hi, I think it would be very useful to sort my snippets per alphabetical order in the outlook/gmail sales tool extension? I created lots of snippets but it is hard to find them when they are displayed in a non specific order.
3 Replies
May 18, 2020
I totally agree, the possibility to get a certain / specific order into the snippet list in Outlook would be very helpful. It would also be very more
jenniferlim on November 25, 2018
It would be great if HubSpot would allow me to save a draft of my email in the CRM.
February 27, 2020
I would like to have the possibility to set sales Emails in a draft status, so I can share and show this with my collegues. Also, if I would like to more
MCS on July 31, 2018
I would like to be able to create my own personalized drag and drop email templates in the design manager. So instead of starting to create new drag and drop templates from scratch each time and adjusting them to the CI guidelines OR cloning te read more
80 Replies
December 29, 2021
E-Mail Templates are way too complicated. Still. Any update?
nikkiv on October 04, 2018
There is no sound notification when a new chat comes in. We are only getting a sound notification once someone has responded to the chat. This is very ineffective and it's causing us to miss chats.
18 Replies
February 03, 2020
My collegue has a sound when a chat comes in. I do not, but the settings are the same. What is it?
kimfeldesz on September 27, 2018
In the inbox as well as on the contact and deal level the newest reply of the client is always at the top of the email thread. The reply buttom however is at the bottom. It would make much more sense to have the field where you type your reply next read more
10 Replies
January 24, 2020
Best would be to have a choice, so every Hubspot Customer would be able to choose whether the queue is as it is or whether it would be better in the more
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