
Member since ‎Nov 19, 2019
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Lincoln Peinado

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Lincoln on August 10, 2020
I'd like to suggest enablig a second e-mail address for automatic e-mailing (2nd variable). That way it would be possible to programme a workflow to send e-mails to a second e-mail address, which should be available as a property's value in contacts read more
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Lincoln on July 31, 2020
Hi, I'd like to suggest the idea of enabling creating, posting and getting information from the folder item in 'product library', products component, through integration. The item I'm referring to is a folder, which is possible to create when you se read more
November 25, 2019
Olá Angelo, Mais uma vez, muito obrigado. Vou verificar a alternativa sugerida. Grande abraço, Lincoln
November 19, 2019
Bom dia, Excelente iniciativa. Sou Lincoln, trabalho na Cultura Inglesa e gostaria de aproveitar e perguntar se alguém conseguiria me ajudar com more
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