
Member since ‎Nov 18, 2019
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Samuel Curatolo

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scuratolo20 on March 25, 2024
I came across this company and they can create HTML templates for Marketing emails that are interactive without leaving the email itself. I find this idea amazing and would be something that would benefit not only our compa read more
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scuratolo20 on June 19, 2022
You offer this feature "Show country code dropdown menu" under the Phone Number in a form. Is it somehow possible that this can be translated? Even if I select French as the form language those Country fields are still in English. read more
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GregLawrenson on December 15, 2020
I have tried to create a report based on contacts who appear in each of my email subscription lists, however, I have encountered a few issues. Firstly there is no option to report on the preference centre, I have managed to get around this by creati read more
6 Replies
July 20, 2021
This is strange that we are not able to do that. It is something which should just work. Filter by lists or just use a few lists in a report should more
dtempleton on July 31, 2019
I wanted to show Wistia video watches for specific videos in a report. I created a list for each video. I then build a report based on list membership and filtered in the new lists I created. Only issue is that I cannt filter out ALL the rest of the read more
23 Replies
October 14, 2020
This is exactly also a feature we would need so desperately. We have hundreds of lists and if I just want to select one and exclude all the others more
Jari on June 20, 2019
It would be great if you could export the duplicate contacts list to a .CSV- or .XLSX-file from the new "Manage duplicates" feature in Hubspot. As of now, it is only possible to review the list in Hubspot itself.
62 Replies
September 16, 2020
It would be great to have a feature to export duplicates, since I always need to check back to Sales if data is correct or not.
Daria on March 31, 2017
It would be great to be able to export social reports in addition to some of the other reports
34 Replies
November 18, 2019
To be able to export social report and create a dashboard with the same charts would be amazing
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