
Member since ‎Nov 15, 2019
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monmc on May 03, 2017
When I book a meeting through meetings or in my google calendar, it shows up on the person't Hubspot profile. After the meeting takes place I want to go back and add notes to that meeting. If I do this, I have to save and send updates to everyone. read more
72 Replies
May 22, 2020
@glencornell Thank you for looking into this feature - it is absolutely essential. While we wait for a solution, I'm still stuck on figuring out more
TJ_Price on June 13, 2019
It would be great for the scanned photo of the card to be saved as a note or something on the contact's record so that one can always look back at the scan to see whether any information was inputted incorrectly or not. Having tried out the s read more
December 04, 2019
Please add this feature, it would be very useful for all the reasons that have been mentioned by previous posters.
1stnberg on November 07, 2019
I have completed this 2 or 3 times and it is not showing passed. I have waited 24 hours and still isn't showing.
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3 Replies
November 18, 2019
@cbsembler I have the same issue. I have completed the course 'Set Up your HubSpot CRM for Growth' and repeated the property practical exercise more
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