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Shanta Nathwani

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aaskren on Dezember 22, 2018
Im using free version of crm and am a one man operation. Is there a way to get email notications when customers fill out a ticket form that is embedded on my website? I know how to set up the email submission for normal forms, but the ticket fo Beitrag ansehen
10 Antworten
Dezember 18, 2019
I'm currently setting this up for my company as well. I can say that it has been quite difficult for sure. Much more than it should. That being ...Beitrag ansehen
atma on Juni 16, 2018
Allow customers to log in and see their Ticket inbox, history, statuses, replies etc. Ideally integrate this with Knowedge Base too.
221 Antworten
Dezember 17, 2019
I find it so difficult to believe that a client can't view at least their own ticket directly, even if not a full "dashboard" view for all of their t...Beitrag ansehen
Jan2 on Januar 30, 2019
It would be very helpful to see whether I upvoted an idea from the idea overview page. The easiest way to do this is to fill the "thumbs up" button next to the number of upvotes if I upvoted that article. This would help me to easily see from the Beitrag ansehen
5 Antworten
November 27, 2019
Here's a weird one... I'd love to upvote this idea, as well as comments, but can't seem to figure out how to do that. I click on the "upvote" button ...Beitrag ansehen
arnrist on Januar 22, 2018
I've integrated JIRA Cloud throught the provided addon from Atlassian. It finds customers and companies perfectly. The issue I got is backtracking. In hubspot I am not able to find the linked issues to the customer or company that I've linked i Beitrag ansehen
13 Antworten
November 27, 2019
I agree that there should be an ability to view all the related tickets at a company level. My case is slightly different: I'd like to be able to...Beitrag ansehen
Shanta on November 08, 2019
Currently, I can link a support ticket in Hubspot to a contact and I can link a Jira Ticket to a contact. Unfortunately, there is no way that I can draw a direct connection between a specific ticket in Hubspot to a Jira issue so I know which tickets Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
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