
Member since ‎Jun 15, 2017
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slasky on December 11, 2017
I recently created a new company property and need to import the property value for many of our existing companies. However, HubSpot uses the domain name property to deduplicate imports and correctly associate imports with existing contacts and many read more
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4 Replies
December 18, 2017
Spoiler (Highlight to read) Hi @ashley_milne , I am having the same problem. I am trying to import the contact properties on companies, but more
Yoshi on June 20, 2017
Currently, Deal tool is able to add upto 10 pipelines. However, we want to create a pipeline in each project, so we want more than 10 pipelines.
6 Replies
July 12, 2017
Hi, we will also appreciate to increase the number of pipelines. We have now more than 20 projects and we can´t create more pipelines. Thank more
JennTheone on June 28, 2017
It's simple! If we could see where our companies and contacts were with one single image (map), then we wouldn't have to filter our companies or contacts, creating different lists. Our executives fly all over for speaking, conferences, and live clas read more
65 Replies
July 05, 2017
Hi, I think this is a very good idea! We would like to also visualize where our customers are with Google Maps (as in Hubspot we have the exact more
simonquin5 on November 21, 2016
So I'm using a competitors CRM and their CRM automatically searches LinkedIn and adds the persons LinkedIn profile URL link and also pulls their photo from LinkedIn and adds it to their contact card. HubSpot doesn't do this. Which is a pity. read more
June 15, 2017
Yes, I totally agree. This will be very usefull to add LinkedIn profile of each contact automatically.
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