
HubSpot Employee
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Dana Land

Here to help with your email questions!


Lauren09988 on November 21, 2023
Hi everyone. In the recent weeks; our company has had difficulties with emails no longer reaching some of our vendors and contacts. I fear it may be due to our activity in Hubspot's Emailing Marketing Campaigns. Typically; I would send a follow-up Beitrag ansehen
2 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
November 22, 2023
Hi @Lauren09988 ! Emails sent within the marketing email tool are sent from our network. Emails sent outside of that tool (like 1:1 emails on the c...Beitrag ansehen
AmaraEllis on November 16, 2023
What were previously considered recommended best practices will now be mandatory for senders to enhance their credibility amidst the epic battle against unsolicited salty processed canned pork emails, aka SPAM. Starting in February 2024, G Beitrag ansehen
78 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
November 22, 2023
Hi @CFlaherty ! Based upon RFC standard (aka internet 'rule' book), HubSpot's marketing email tool does currently meet one click unsubscribe throug...Beitrag ansehen
AMS17 on Februar 20, 2023
Hi, I have an email marketing subscription with a maximum of 3k marketing contacts. For sending out newsletters, I have to set our clients' contact to marketing contacts. I want to send the company newsletter to everyone in my organization. How Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Februar 21, 2023
Hi there! For the issue of " Also, the link to the web browser view of the newsletter doesn't work. It asks people to log in to view the link and sti...Beitrag ansehen
InciteJoe on November 23, 2022
I used to go into the Asset Marketplace and use some of the free email templates as a starting basis, or even some of the custom modules that were compatible with email. Now that email templates are no longer available in the Marketplace, is t Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
November 23, 2022
Hi there! We are currently working on improving our marketplace. Email templates should be re-introduced sometime in 2023. The announcement can...Beitrag ansehen
JenWeiss on Juli 26, 2022
Job sites such as Indeed, Glassdoor, BUILT, Monster, Career Builder, and LinkedIn allow you to research companies and jobs that interest you in the span of a few minutes. As a sweetener, you’re also building an online presence at the same time. Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Juli 26, 2022
I think there is a time and a place for both, and limitations to both! People have a right to privacy, and forcing someone into creating a digital f...Beitrag ansehen
moleary on Juli 06, 2022
Hello, My organization is new to HubSpot - we're currently running on a free trial of Marketing Hub Enterprise and will transition to fully paid soon. At the moment, we're seeing a marketing email send limit of 5,000 per month. Does anyone k Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
Juli 13, 2022
Hello @moleary ! All trial portals have a static limit of 5000 sends. At this time, this 5000 limit cannot be increase for trial portals. If ...Beitrag ansehen
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