
Mitglied seit ‎Okt 31, 2019
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Harrison Racioppo

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Januar 20, 2025
Tip Fot Using Templates Across Business Units Hi everyone, I wanted to share a quick tip to help you save time when managing emails in HubSpo...Beitrag ansehen
Hracioppo on September 14, 2023
Could we select the number of rings before a call either goes to voicemail or is routed to another person? Right now, it rings very long, and as a consequence, we see fewer people leaving voicemails.
1 Antwort
Hracioppo on August 25, 2023
Right now, we can only email the contact owner if their contact replies to a survey. It would be great if we could create a task for the contact owner if their contact fails to respond to a survey. It would improve our overall efficien Beitrag ansehen
Hracioppo on August 22, 2023
It would be helpful to have a view as we do for properties where "Used In" tells us what tools/data points are connected to a property, but in this case, it would be what tools and data points are still connected to a user. I don't mean too Beitrag ansehen
Juni 22, 2023
Hey folks, I would also love more flexibility in setting up form user permissions. That said, you can manage form access on a per-form basis. Th...Beitrag ansehen
Hracioppo on Juni 16, 2023
It would be great if approval requests could be sent to other notification systems e.g., Slack and Microsoft Teams.
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