
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Oct 29, 2019
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Douglas Fairbrother

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dougfairbro on August 30, 2022
I'm trying to set up a custom object in my demo portal to get more of an understanding of how custom objects work for my personal development. I've followed the schema set-up here: read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 01, 2022
Forgive me I figured it out. I simply needed to select the four custom object options in the scope (nothing else) and then use Postman to push it more
dougfairbro on August 30, 2022
I'm trying to set up a custom object in my demo portal to get more of an understanding of how custom objects work for my personal development. I've followed the schema set-up here: read more
Contributor | Diamond Partner
September 01, 2022
Forgive me I figured it out. I simply needed to select the four custom object options in the scope (nothing else) and then use Postman to push it more
ghigginbothem on August 18, 2020
Our company would like to target specific contacts who have opened a specific mailing a specific number of times. Right now, Hubspot can create a list that says "[Contact] Opened [Marketing Email]" or "[Contact] Opened Any Marketing Email [X] Ti read more
25 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 09, 2022
Noticed this is still an open thread which is surpising. This kind of reporting would enable our sales teams to be a lot more focused with their more
Bryan on June 16, 2017
Ability to require minimum/maximum number of charcters in a form field. This would prevent users from entering a "space" to get through the required field. My application is for a zip code, where the user must enter 5 characters.
72 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 12, 2022
Definitely needed, for example to stop people simply skipping 'first name' fields with one letter. This would help us ensure our database is clean more
kevmckay on April 16, 2019
I am suggesting that it should be possible to edit the "Entered Stage X" dates in deals. If a rep falls behind in tracking their deals through the appropriate stages it would be great if it was possible to change the date to the actual closed-won d read more
34 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
July 11, 2022
This would be a great feature, especially when first importing past deal data and wanting to include past deal stage dates for reporting right off more
JMaylandOlsen on April 20, 2022
Currently it is possible to type in a yearly goal in the goals module, past or present years. But even though an account it set up with a fiscal year that does not align with the calendar year, Hubspot insist that "yearly goals" = calendar year. read more
23 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
June 30, 2022
Wanted to share that I've found a workaround that might help some users in the meantime (though it's not perfect but helps with a report!). more
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