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Craig Ivemy

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Abril 20, 2023
To add to this post - I'm also seeing no way of specifying which blog to use. With the blog tags API using the PHP API Client, there doesn't seem to ...Leer más
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Abril 06, 2023
Hi @TDwebdev thanks for the quick response. I'm using the PHP API Client, though. Up until now I've written the cURL requests as you have above...Leer más
Craig en Abril 05, 2023
Hi everyone. Unless I'm missing something, there doesn't appear to be documentation for how to filter results when using the Blog Posts API via the PHP API Client. I can see options for filtering here , but these are for when using a request U Leer más
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Febrero 06, 2023
Hi, @Jaycee_Lewis I reached out to HubSpot support as I didn't want to spend time debugging the 401 response (or anybody else debugging it!) if it ...Leer más
Craig en Febrero 03, 2023
I'm using an old contact/createOrUpdate endpoint from v1 API that I need to migrate to using private apps. I've removed the hapi key query param from the request URL, and am sending the access token in the headers - yet I recieve a 401 error. Leer más
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Julio 22, 2020
@Stephanie-OG great idea - thanks, all working.
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