
Member since ‎Jun 13, 2017
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Jeannette Grand

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ALegToStandOn on March 18, 2021
Hello! We are a nonprofit using hubspot's marketing platform. I am trying to figure out how to add Hubspot's 'List size over time' -- viewable when you go to Lists' Performance over time -- to a dashboard, or at the very least re-create this re read more
June 14, 2021
Because this information is obviously available in HubSpot (via the list size over time view), I'd also like to see this as a report that we can use more
jmgrand on March 02, 2021
We have an instance where we're pushing video streams into HubSpot as an event. We have a long stream consisting of a few sessions, but want to be able to parse these out for the different sessions. However, the granularity of being able to filter t read more
jmgrand on September 03, 2020
While I love the new ability within progressive fields to replace with queued progressive fields or leave on the form, I'd like to see a 3rd option, where the field is simply removed and not shown. That way, if there are specific categories that are read more
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rpusateri on April 02, 2020
If I were to start an email with: Happy <day of the week>, ___ There's currently no personalization token that would autofil the day of the week that email is be sent on. I'm aware of the fact that this would be a dynamic value but as the read more
22 Replies
August 21, 2020
Same! We'd like to be able to send an email saying something like: Can I call you mid-morning on {{2_business_days_from_now}} for a quick 10-minute more
lalexander on March 12, 2020
Integrations are essential to your success and growth with HubSpot, and we want to give you an insider look into the way that HubSpot thinks about our integration ecosystem and where it’s headed in the future. That’s why VP of Product Nanc read more
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21 Replies
March 19, 2020
@nriley @Dylan Thanks for getting back to me so quckly! For Q1: the answer is "mostly." In the majority of cases, HubSpot populates more
lalexander on March 12, 2020
Integrations are essential to your success and growth with HubSpot, and we want to give you an insider look into the way that HubSpot thinks about our integration ecosystem and where it’s headed in the future. That’s why VP of Product Nanc read more
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21 Replies
March 19, 2020
@nriley @Dylan Thanks for getting back to me so quckly! For Q1: the answer is "mostly." In the majority of cases, HubSpot populates more
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