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Member since ‎Oct 15, 2019
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Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 14 votes. The ability to break forms up into 2-3 steps. Gradually asking for more information would be useful. See Unbounce's feature: read more
108 Replies
Contributor | Partner
August 29, 2024
This is all pretty ridiculous. I'm starting to look into Webflow and Typeform and Tally forms. Losing faith.
HWhite53 on February 02, 2023
Hi there! I'm trying to create a new module so I can put ANY custom HTML into it for landing pages and emails. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance 🙂
0 upvote
5 Replies
Contributor | Partner
January 05, 2024
Thank you! Yeah, I'll have to create a custom module. I'm hoping that Hubspot will make a standard module for pure just code/html. I'll have to add more
HWhite53 on February 02, 2023
Hi there! I'm trying to create a new module so I can put ANY custom HTML into it for landing pages and emails. Does anyone know how to do this? Thanks in advance 🙂
0 upvote
5 Replies
Contributor | Partner
January 05, 2024
Thank you! Yeah, I'll have to create a custom module. I'm hoping that Hubspot will make a standard module for pure just code/html. I'll have to add more
lloydsilver on April 03, 2017
I need to embed a HS form on an external (not CoS) website. And when the user submits the form, the redirect URL needs to include form fields as parameters. Is this possible? We figured out a way of doing this on a CoS landing page using a nativ read more
46 Replies
Contributor | Partner
June 14, 2023
Hi @derekcavaliero , thank you for helping all of us for 6 YEARS ! I put this code into the footer and it seems to work even though I'm not using more
Shay on April 10, 2017
Migrated from legacy feedback forum with 14 votes. The ability to break forms up into 2-3 steps. Gradually asking for more information would be useful. See Unbounce's feature: read more
108 Replies
Contributor | Partner
August 29, 2024
This is all pretty ridiculous. I'm starting to look into Webflow and Typeform and Tally forms. Losing faith.
LizaW on February 09, 2022
Hi All Am hoping someone with a more technical mindset can help. We are working with google to implement Enhanced conversion tracking ( ) and would need to add the relevent code read more
21 Replies
Contributor | Partner
April 01, 2022
You might be able to send your lead values to Google Ads using Zapier. That's what I do. Here, I shared one of my zaps that might help: more
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