
Member since ‎Oct 9, 2019
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Rachel Galeski

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TruettPetty on January 19, 2023
Would be great if we could hide a deal stage without completely deleting the stage. For example, hiding the "Closed/Lost" stage if you are only trying to highlight a few other stages.
2 Replies
January 10, 2024
Being able to hide certain deal stages would be so helpful. We have added some deal stages and stopped using some others. I don't want to delete the more
corrivj on January 05, 2018
What I would like to see is the ability to copy my entire HubSpot environment from a production to a sandbox environment. It would also be helpful if there was a way to move changes from HubSpot Sandbox to HubSpot Production. We have data syn read more
62 Replies
July 14, 2023
5+ years that this feature request has been sitting here. PLEASE make it easy for us to clone our production environment into a sandbox so we can more
TauriqS on March 11, 2020
Hi, When clicking (drilling down) into a summarized report of any type (column, bar, summary, summarized data table, pie, etc.). The columns shown cannot be edited. It appears to be a default set of columns that cannot be changed in any way. read more
8 Replies
February 02, 2023
I ran into this issue this week and opened a ticket with Support. How in the world is this functionality lacking in the single object reporting? Why more
BrandonA on February 04, 2021
I would like to be able to view the tasks from a sequence before they are "created." From the contact record, I can see the steps of any particular sequence for any particular prospect and their associated dates. However, those tasks aren't actually read more
20 Replies
September 20, 2022
How does this not exist?!?! I agree with @CFagan1 , the simplest solution is checking a box to create the task immediately with an additional field more
BSheck on March 18, 2021
This would just be convenient to be able to change Marketing Contact Status directly within a specific contact record.
August 02, 2022
How in the world is this still missing 17 months later? It should have been there on day 1. It is a major pain to move from the contact record to more
Rachel_KL on March 02, 2022
I need the ability to create a HubSpot task from within Outlook. When sending an email via Outlook, I want to have that "create a task to follow up" check box in the HubSpot Sales add-in. This check box option is available when creating an email ins read more
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