
Mitglied | Elite Partner
Mitglied seit ‎Okt 8, 2019
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Adam Aigbokhae

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Adam-SixandFlow on November 05, 2020
Currently, you have no date property that tells you today's date. This is genuinely a critical function if you are going to compete with other CRMs. How can a sales team set and keep SLAs if they can only look at the time spent in stage retroactivel Beitrag ansehen
82 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
September 04, 2024
Hi Everyone I wrote the original post on this nearly 4 years ago and its still not a feature 😅 We do have a simple work around now. T...Beitrag ansehen
Hal on Juni 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
161 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
Dezember 13, 2021
We finally have a solution it seems: Daily workflow to run at...Beitrag ansehen
Hal on Juni 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
161 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
Dezember 13, 2021
We finally have a solution it seems: Daily workflow to run at...Beitrag ansehen
Hal on Juni 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
161 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
Dezember 13, 2021
We finally have a solution it seems: Daily workflow to run at...Beitrag ansehen
Adam-SixandFlow on November 05, 2020
Currently, you have no date property that tells you today's date. This is genuinely a critical function if you are going to compete with other CRMs. How can a sales team set and keep SLAs if they can only look at the time spent in stage retroactivel Beitrag ansehen
82 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
September 04, 2024
Hi Everyone I wrote the original post on this nearly 4 years ago and its still not a feature 😅 We do have a simple work around now. T...Beitrag ansehen
Hal on Juni 25, 2019
Really need a report that shows a list of Deals in the Pipeline and how long each individual deal has spent in it's current stage. I can't believe other users aren't clamoring for this... very inportant!!
161 Antworten
Mitglied | Elite Partner
Dezember 13, 2021
We finally have a solution it seems: Daily workflow to run at...Beitrag ansehen
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