
Participant | Elite Partner
Member since ‎Oct 8, 2019
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Gemma Rogers

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ddomroski on April 12, 2019
It would be great to be able to test a sequence immediately (see the emails and task notifications) instead of having to wait for it process through the timing.
114 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
February 19, 2020
I feel your pain MG Robin.
ddomroski on April 12, 2019
It would be great to be able to test a sequence immediately (see the emails and task notifications) instead of having to wait for it process through the timing.
114 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
February 19, 2020
I feel your pain MG Robin.
aadame on November 21, 2017
filters/sequences Is there a way I can look up contacts that I own that are on a particular sequence? or can I filter sequences to show only contacts that i own? I would like to know where my contact are in a particular sequence or be able to so read more
Participant | Elite Partner
October 09, 2019
Hi, I am having the exact same problem. I want to automatically add people who have been through a sequence and not engaged to a list of ' more
GemmaR on October 08, 2019
Hi, I need to create a series of sequences for one of my clients to help them to standardise their sales approach across all their BDRs. Has anyone done anything similar before? I have a Sales pro seat in their portal, but can only te read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
October 08, 2019
Hi @Josh Thanks, yeah I suppose that is an option, was hoping to get to do a dummy run beforehand as I didn't want to create admin for more
GemmaR on October 08, 2019
Hi, I need to create a series of sequences for one of my clients to help them to standardise their sales approach across all their BDRs. Has anyone done anything similar before? I have a Sales pro seat in their portal, but can only te read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
Participant | Elite Partner
October 08, 2019
Hi @Josh Thanks, yeah I suppose that is an option, was hoping to get to do a dummy run beforehand as I didn't want to create admin for more
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