
Member since ‎Oct 7, 2019
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Richard Wedgwood

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RichardM50 on February 03, 2023
This issue seems to have arisen as of this morning (was working fine yesterday). When applying an 'Industry is Unknown' filter to contacts we are still seeing records where the Industry field has been populated.
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2 Replies
February 03, 2023
Just tried that and makes no difference. Richard
RichardM50 on February 03, 2023
This issue seems to have arisen as of this morning (was working fine yesterday). When applying an 'Industry is Unknown' filter to contacts we are still seeing records where the Industry field has been populated.
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2 Replies
February 03, 2023
Just tried that and makes no difference. Richard
RichardM50 on December 20, 2022
I have just set a new employee up on a new laptop. Was logged into their Google account on Chrome and added the sales extension and everything appears to be working correctly with the exception of being unable to get HubSpot to appear in the Google read more
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4 Replies
December 21, 2022
Yes - that could be it. We sign in using Google - maybe I set mine up that way from the get-go. R
RichardM50 on December 20, 2022
I have just set a new employee up on a new laptop. Was logged into their Google account on Chrome and added the sales extension and everything appears to be working correctly with the exception of being unable to get HubSpot to appear in the Google read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
December 21, 2022
Yes - that could be it. We sign in using Google - maybe I set mine up that way from the get-go. R
RichardM50 on December 20, 2022
I have just set a new employee up on a new laptop. Was logged into their Google account on Chrome and added the sales extension and everything appears to be working correctly with the exception of being unable to get HubSpot to appear in the Google read more
0 upvote
4 Replies
December 21, 2022
Yes - that could be it. We sign in using Google - maybe I set mine up that way from the get-go. R
RichardM50 on November 02, 2022
Is there a way to Export overdue tasks with the contact record details? I have around 100 tasks that require a mailmerge. I can see how to export the tasks themselves but this doesn't bring the contact's address information (ideally need a CSV fil read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
November 02, 2022
I follows the steps outlined in your response and hit 'export'. I even tried including 'Tasks' to the data sources. Couldn't see where to select/ more
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